Poem Writing Game

I learned this game from my friend Darcy. Basically, you write out a set of 10 constraints and give yourself 2 min to respond to each – write them out, toss them in a pile, draw one at random, start the timer, write, repeat.

Just like the songwriting game, the goal is to get yourself out of your head. You can use this as a warm-up, or, if you like what you come up with, shape it up into a proper poem.

I’ve loaded this up to generate a set of constraints from the ones I’ve used over the past few months. Every time you refresh the page you should see a different combination. Feel free to use these or create your own!


  1. describe something you hear
  2. describe the texture of an emotion
  3. describe an emotion using textures
  4. write 2 lines in iambic pentameter
  5. write 2 lines in iambic pentameter
  6. describe something that happened yesterday
  7. describe an emotion using textures
  8. use syballance
  9. write in 8,6,8,6
  10. describe the shape of an emotion

I’d love to hear what you come up with – either ideas for constraints or what you create. Drop me a line or comment here to share!