Poem Writing Game

I learned this game from my friend Darcy. Basically, you write out a set of 10 constraints and give yourself 2 min to respond to each – write them out, toss them in a pile, draw one at random, start the timer, write, repeat.

Just like the songwriting game, the goal is to get yourself out of your head. You can use this as a warm-up, or, if you like what you come up with, shape it up into a proper poem.

I’ve loaded this up to generate a set of constraints from the ones I’ve used over the past few months. Every time you refresh the page you should see a different combination. Feel free to use these or create your own!


  1. use the dictionary app's WOTD
  2. write in 7,6,7,6
  3. write in 7,6,7,6
  4. use a mathematical term, a color and an -ly adverb
  5. write in 6,8,6,8
  6. describe something out the window of your childhood bedroom
  7. describe a victory
  8. describe something in your childhood bedroom
  9. describe your favorite tree
  10. use a word from your surroundings

I’d love to hear what you come up with – either ideas for constraints or what you create. Drop me a line or comment here to share!